Boys Deserve Adorable Clothes! We want your little guy to look and feel fantastic in our clothing! We use high quality fabrics to create adorable clothing for you to fill your own boy's bureau.
While textile production has mostly moved out of our country, we source as many USA Milled and Printed fabrics as possible, in order to support other American businesses!
Store Owner
I am a SAHM who loves crafts and a good DIY project. Since having my son in 2020, this has come to include sewing him some mama-made clothing. I decided to start this "hobby" because we chose to use cloth diapers, and created an adorable "baby giant" 😆 , which, when combined, led to the need for better fitting pants. I heard about grow-with-me pants, and from there it was a quick trip all the way down the rabbit hole of wonderful fabrics and awesome patterns! All of a sudden I was creating all sorts of pieces for my little guy's wardrobe 🥰While there are hundreds of children's boutiques out there, they are disproportionately filled with adorable clothes for little girls so, I've decided to start Briggaboo's Bureau as a small shop option for other #boymoms looking for cute clothes for their little boys! Thank you for your support!